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Favorite Recipes and Spices for July


Favorite Recipes and Spices for July

Lynley Jones

Welcome to July. The hot sun is shining straight overhead, your herbs are going gangbusters in the garden, and the livin’ is easy at the farmers market.

There are two real hallmarks of July cooking:

July carrots piled high at the Union Square Greenmarket in New York City.

July carrots piled high at the Union Square Greenmarket in New York City.

1) The great outdoors

It’s the season of grilling and camping - and grilling while camping. Snacks and meals should be poolside, or on the patio, or dripping down your bathing-suited self just before you hit the sprinklers. We’re all in flip flops and tank tops, sweating and vibing in the sun.

2) Fresh everything

Just about anything and everything is starting to hit the farmers market stands. Timing will vary from year to year based on the weather, but in the beginning of the month you’ll usually get the last of the blueberries, and by the end of the month, the blackberries are usually arriving. If you’re lucky, you’ll get the first peaches and tomatoes, and the first gorgeous ears of corn. Herbs are everywhere, and all kinds of greens are fresh and plentiful. Broccoli, cauliflower, squash blossoms, green beans, arugula, spinach, Swiss chard, garlic scapes and on and on and on. You’re finally hitting full summer, and you can grab everything from the farmers market and cook what’s in season. Live it up, baby.

Cooking strategies and spices

My favorite recipes for this time of year use the produce that’s ripe and ready right now, and they’re exactly what you want to grill, freeze or just eat. (So much good food, so little time….!)

Some of my fave spices and ingredients for July cooking are:

Aleppo pepper - a perennial favorite! Slightly smoky, a hint of fruit, a little heat and lots of flavor. Great on anything on the grill, pairs well with chocolate, and lots more.

Ceylon cinnamon - from Sri Lanka, pairs well with Indian and Mexican cuisines and perfect over fresh fruit.

Turmeric - essential for all kinds of Indian flavors on the grill: veggies, curries and more.

Cumin - perfect for Mexican and Indian cooking; use ground cumin in marinades and on the grill, or add whole cumin seeds (or crush them first) to curries or sprinkle over fresh veggies.

Fave July recipes

Below are 66+ of my favorite recipes for cooking in July. Seasonal fruits and veggies, lots of great spices, stuff to cook on the grill, stuff to eat outside, stuff to dribble down your shirt. Go crazy!