Infectious Disease Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability
Thank you for choosing Adventure Kitchen for your child! This form is required to complete the registration process. Thanks!
Parents: Please read and fill out the form at the bottom. All fields are required. If the form is not completed, your child will not be permitted to participate. Thank you!
COVID-19 and other infectious illnesses are contagious and can spread from person-to-person contact. Adventure Kitchen will use its best efforts and follow the protocols and recommendations of respected public health authorities to reduce the spread of infectious illnesses. However, Adventure Kitchen cannot guarantee that you or your child(ren) may not become infected, exposed or otherwise contract COVID-19 or other illnesses while attending and participating in summer camp.
Section 1:
I recognize that there are certain inherent risks associated with participation in Adventure Kitchen Summer Camp regarding infectious illnesses, even for fully vaccinated children and their families. I acknowledge that Adventure Kitchen cannot guarantee that I, my family member(s), or others with whom I come into contact will not become infected. After carefully considering the risks involved, I voluntarily assume the risk that my child(ren) and I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 or another illness by attending Adventure Kitchen Summer Camp, and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability and death. By signing this waiver and release, I acknowledge and agree that I, on my behalf and on behalf of my children: a) understand the contagious nature of COVID-19 and other illnesses; b) voluntarily assume the risk that me, my child(ren) or anyone for whom I may be responsible may become infected, exposed or otherwise contract an illness while attending Adventure Kitchen Summer Camp; and c) hereby waive, release and discharge Adventure Kitchen and its directors, owners, instructors, contractors, agents, heirs, or assigns from and against any and all claims, injuries or liability of any kind whatsoever, including injury or death claims arising out of, relating to, or in any way connected to COVID-19 or another infectious illness, including, but not limited to claims based on allegations of negligence.
Section 2:
For the safety of all concerned, I understand that my child must fully comply with Adventure Kitchen's rules and expectations regarding mask wearing, hand washing, social distancing, and any other instructions or precautions my child is given. Any such precautions will be based on careful consideration of protocols recommended by respected public health authorities. If my child(ren) fail to do so, I understand that Adventure Kitchen may expel my child(ren) from Summer Camp immediately without refund or recompense.
Section 3:
If my child becomes infected with COVID-19, whether suspected or confirmed with a positive test result, I agree to comply with the latest CDC guidelines for isolation and precautions for people with COVID-19 as found on this website: and to notify Adventure Kitchen immediately. Likewise, if my child exhibits signs of infectious illness other than COVID-19, I agree to comply with public health guidelines by keeping my child at home and notifying Adventure Kitchen.