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Favorite Recipes and Spices for September


Favorite Recipes and Spices for September

Lynley Jones

Ah, September. What a month. Everything’s ripe and ready for the cooking, and finally (blessedly!) it’s not too hot to cook it. In the first half of the month, the last of the peaches, nectarines and plums will say their goodbyes; and at some point this month the apples will arrive (hooray!). Corn is everywhere, good tomatoes are still easy to find, greens are flourishing, and there are peppers a’plenty. But don’t blink, because everything’s about to change.

Cooking Strategies and Spices

Seasonal September veggies ready to make Budin Azteca, a Mexican tortilla casserole.

Seasonal September veggies ready to make Budin Azteca, a Mexican tortilla casserole.

In September, there are three things to keep in mind:

1) Use it or lose it

This is IT. The last of summer. Grab on and savor every last bit of it. Stone fruits and tomatoes are here today, but gone tomorrow. If you see something ripe and delicious at the market, grab it NOW. Because tomorrow, next week, next month, everything’s gonna change…

2) Hello, Fall

By the end of this month, it will really and truly be fall. Cooler weather is here, the apples are coming, and right behind them will be the winter squashes. Don’t rush it, but get ready.

3) The return of routine

Yep, back to school. And also, back to “normal” life: reasonable bedtimes, up with the sun, and no more sneaking out early on Friday afternoons. It’s time to hunker down, put your shoes and socks back on and prepare for a little more structure around mealtimes.

September-Friendly Spices

In my house, September is not just about readjusting to routines, it’s also about reacquainting ourselves with the inside of our kitchen. Cooking is starting to happen on the stove and in the oven again, not just on the grill. And with the cooler weather, the warming spices start creeping back into our repertoire. Here are some September cooking faves:

Aleppo Pepper - Packed with flavor and just enough heat to warm things up nicely. An easy sprinkle to help finish off grilling season and round the corner into fall.

Bay Leaves - As we re-enter the season of stovetop and oven cooking, bay leaves start making frequent appearances in sauces, soups and stews. A quintessential addition to so many things.

Cumin - The champion spice of all those Mexican dishes that make brilliant use of the things in season right now: corn, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, and so much more.

Sumac and Sage Seasoning - My own versatile blend that makes it easy to get dinner on the table and get on with things in this busy season. The sumac brings a bright citrusy note that plays nicely against the herbal depth of sage.

Fave September recipes

Below are my favorite recipes for September. Lots of solid ideas for getting back into a school schedule: weeknight dinners, kid-friendly lunches, reliable breakfasts. Plus, recipes to make good use of seasonal ingredients, like the last of the fresh tomatoes (sigh), and those first glorious apples.

Weeknight Dinners

Kid-Friendly Lunches

No-Nonsense Breakfasts

…September-friendly ideas from 101 Ways to Use Sumac and Sage Seasoning:

More September recipe ideas…

More from Adventure Kitchen:

This post was originally published in September, 2020.